
Friday, July 15, 2011

Honorary Rank

Host of 'The American Road to Victory'
invested with honorary rank in U.S Army

'Morning Briefing' Diana von Seibold
Ellwood von Seibold has been notified by The U.S Military Attache to France, that he is to be invested as an honorary captain in the U.S Army.

It appears that these honorary awards are usually reserved for civilians who have distinguished themselves in connection with their support for the military, or their portrayals of historic military events.

Ellwood who works tirelessly year round, touring the D-Day battlefields with American visitors, was delighted and stunned at the news, "This is a tremendous honor. I have always felt I was a custodian of this amazing history and  I look forward daily, to explaining these momentous events to my wonderful tour parties."

In addition to his rigorous touring schedule, over the last three years, Ellwood has found the time to host a trilogy of battlefield tour films, 'The American Road to Victory' which have been airing on PBS stations from coast to coast.

U.S Military Attache to France, Bruce Sweeney, said of Ellwood,

"I decided to offer Elwood an honorary Captaincy in the US Army due to
his service to the DAO, his dedication to telling the accurate story of
US military operations during WWI and WWII (all sides of the story,
including negative ones), and his dedication to truth as a historian.
Ellwood is an interesting, effective story teller, and has forgotten
more about D-Day and WWII than I probably know."

Colonel Sweeney, pins on badges of rank.

Climbing Pointe du Hoq Mike Forster
"Nothing has been too much for our intrepid presenter," said director  Lanni, "Whether hanging off  Pointe du Hoq on a makeshift rope ladder, or freezing in foxholes in Bastogne, he has approached every scene with an enthusiasm and passion. It is fantastic that Ellwood  received this honorary officer rank. He is that crazy history teacher one seldom had, but never forgot."
Ellwood with Ride 2 Recovery vets

Recently Ellwood welcomed the Ride 2 Recovery Challenge veterans to his home town of Ste Mere Eglise. Each one was presented with a copy of 'The Americans on D-Day.'

The ceremony took place at the American Embassy in Paris on July 28th. It was followed by a champagne reception.


  1. Very nice honor bestowed on Mr Seibold .. its nice to see his efforts to honor our military and veterans awarded. Have enjoyed some nice talks with him over the years in Normandy ! Congrats Sir on your award .

    Tom Colones
    WSPA-TV News CBS
    Spartanburg, SC USA

  2. Tremendous accolade. Richly deserved - no more deserving person in Normandy, or elsewhere. Way to go, Ellwood!

    Irish Dave

  3. Congratulations Ellwood!


  4. That's terrific, Ellwood. I'm sure that award has never gone to a more deserving recipient.

  5. Wonderful and truly deserving commendation of a man's dedication, grit ,passion and adherence to integrity ! Bravo Ellwood ! In mY country India sadly such ranks and honours are doled out like candy to Sportsmen specifically cricketing superstars who are worshiped than larger than life heroes.
