
Monday, October 3, 2011

Design ideas

We are in the process of designing our new trilogy cover for The American Road to Victory series (click on this to see the individual dvd covers). We would appreciate your feedback. Which one do you like most? Do you have suggestions about something you think would improve your favorite design? We look forward to reading your comments!

Idea #1 - black
Idea #2 - flag
Idea #3 - map


  1. I like the first one best. There is something about it that is very simple but impactful. The second one I think is too busy and the bottom one just doesn't pop visually to me.

    Laura :)

  2. I agree with Laura. But maybe the photo could be one with a similar vibe but showing some kind of wheeled transport, like a truck or a tank. But with a person or persons showing. The humanity in the first one is compelling.

    - Dan

  3. I am in favor of the first. Black and white is always stunning. It captures the eye. The picture is simple but leaves a big impact. The title is clear and readable as well as the information of what the series is about. Simple, clean and impactful.

    The second picture is too busy. Hard to read the statement at the bottom. Too many colors, nothing pops from it. However, the picture at the bottom with the soldier walking in the snow with the tree in the horizen is impactful in itself and that would also look great with the format in poster number one. It looks like a picture that would go with the message. It would look like something Ken Burn would put out.

    Poster three does nothing for me. Too brown, not enough info about the series. The picture is bland. My least favorite.


  4. For me the black version is the strongest, the others are to busy. My suggestion would be chage the deisgn so that the top half is all white and the bottom is all black. Use the map image ghosted behind the B&W image of the soldiers in the white area. This way u can still illustrate the "Road to Victory".


  5. Since most of footage of WW II is in back & white ..its the strongest box cover in my book . Have all three in the series and they are excellent. The photo of the GI going to help his fellow trooper is trouble is a strong message of courage and bravery under fire. Thanks for allowing us to have some input here . Will there be future titles in this series on WW II battles ? Normandy 2012 looms ahead !!!
    Tom Colones TC

  6. 2nd one.
    The others give at a glance the idea its about the Ardennes only.
